Marginal [sales] performance improvement

Dave Brailsford, the visionary UK Cycling team coach, believes that by breaking down and identifying every tiny aspect of an athlete's performance and then making just a 1% improvement in each area the athlete's overall performance can be significantly enhanced.
He is right - look at the results UK cycling continues to achieve.
Now think about selling, I have recently worked with VERY experienced sales team, initially I thought what I am going to teach these guys.
Then I realized my job was not to teach them but to "performance coach" them.  Get them thinking about all the things they do and then look for marginal improvement in many areas.
Look at the [typical] sales cycle and the number of calls you make to secure an order.  If you could make a marginal improvement on your sales performance at every stage, with every skill, on every visit, then how much more successful could you be?

Posted in Articles.

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