13 questions you should ask about your business development activity
April 5, 2013I recently gave a key note speech about business development - "The Anatomy of an Enterprise Sale". I wrapped up the speech with 13 (unlucky for some) key questions you should ask yourself about your business development activity, lots of people liked these - they are great reminders!
- Are you planning to fail or failing to plan
- Are you consciously using all your skills or running on autopilot?
- Are you confusing activity with results?
- Are you becoming too dependent too few prospects, solutions, markets and customers?
- Are you giving your prospects a good reason to meet you?
- Are you qualifying your opportunities objectively or are you kidding yourself?
- Are you offering a solution that is a nicety or a necessity?
- Are you talking to all the right people - decision influencers and decision makers?
- Are you mapping the political landscape?
- Are you winning support from the right people?
- Are you differentiating your offer only on price?
- Are you submitting a proposal or is it really a quote?
- Are you really asking for the order?