Fortune Top 1000 sales leaders will tell you that Power Base Selling was the training that changed their sales career!

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If you sell high value solutions or services, into a political environment, where the competition is relentless, you need a competitive advantage you need Power Base Selling®

Ian Farmer, President and Managing Director
IF Associates Inc.
IF Associates (UK) ltd


Interim Management

Senior, global, board level sales, management and marketing experience for organizations who need this level of support or skills temporarily or for a special project, situation or circumstances - driving profitability


Sales Training

We make your people your key competitive advantage with world class sales, sales management and communications skills training such as Power Base Selling®. Your training  is delivered by experienced practitioners not just great presenters - closing more sales sooner rather than later


Sales Strategy

Ensuring you have clear objectives and guidance to find, win and keep new customers profitably - sales planning, sales enablement, marketing alignment, major deal strategies, compensation and pay plans - maximizing your organizations effectiveness




One on one sales and executive coaching helping you further improve upon your own and your team's sales and management effectiveness, taking you and your team from good to great  - reducing attrition, increasing engagement, lowering overheads


Power Base Selling​​​​​​®



Contact us 

Power Base Selling is the most effective methodology there is for winning high value solution sales.  With the collective experience of more than 28,000 sellers and 50,000 deals we know the seven key competencies that make a sales professional a true Power Base Seller.


Are you a Power Base Seller - take our free assessment and we'll let you know how you stack up !

Power Base Selling® is a registered trademark of Holden International LLC.  IF Associates Inc and IF Associates (UK) Ltd is a certified Holden International LLC delivery associate.