Get out of your comfort zone

Just when you are expecting the order the competition side swipe you by being politically aligned with the decision makers, unfortunately you were speaking to the wrong people - has this ever happened to you?

Time and time again we see sales and business development people doing a great job at presenting their products, services and solutions but sadly they are doing a great job with the wrong people.  They are in their comfort zone - talking with IT and technical people, administrators, HR folks - everyone except the "line of business managers"  who own the business problem that their solution addresses.

Understand the Power Base (the people in the organization making and / or influencing decisions about purchasing what you are selling) and get people other than technical and operations people voting for you.

So get out of your comfort zone - identify the people in the business that own the business problem and contact them too.  Not about technology but about what you can do for them from a business and personal perspective. 

Posted in Articles. Tagged as complex selling, political alignment, Political plan, Power Base Selling, relationship selling, selling in your comfort zone, solution selling.

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